The Water Treatment Plant is stabilizing, continuing to treat water and operate more efficiently, which has allowed reserves to accumulate and become more stable—an extremely positive and desirable outcome. Temporary pauses for backwashing and maintenance will continue as needed to maintain water quality, along with minor upgrades to the computer-based system to enhance efficiency.
Water pressure has remained stable in most areas of the city. The Airport Road area had continued to experience intermittent low water pressure, which was resolved earlier today, where repairs are ongoing. A temporary fix has been implemented, and a more permanent solution will be put in place shortly. The Water Distribution Team will also continue routine fire hydrant flushing throughout the city as part of necessary preventative maintenance to ensure water quality. We will continue to provide updates as progress is made.
The Mandatory Boil Order remains in effect until the New Mexico Environment Department’s Drinking Water Bureau lifts it, based on state drinking water standards. Daily water testing continues, and we are submitting our findings to the Bureau for review. We will keep the community updated and continue to provide water relief as long as necessary.
We sincerely apologize for the disruptions this situation has caused and fully understand the inconvenience it has created. Please know that we are doing everything possible to resolve the issue as quickly as we can. We are truly grateful for your continued support and cooperation, and we will keep you updated as we move forward.