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- PSA 01/29/2025 - Abe Montoya Recreation Swimming Closed Until Further Notice
Public Service Announcement Wednesday January 29, 2025 2:30 p.m. The Abe Montoya Recreation Center Swimming Pool is closed until further notice for necessary upgrades to the pool heating system. Updates on the reopening will be provided as available. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience at this time.
- PSA 1/28/2025 - Ongoing Police Investigation
A police investigation is ongoing and is in the preliminary stages regarding an alleged incident that occurred at Memorial Middle School. This investigation contains juvenile records, therefore for the integrity of the case, there will be strictly limited information provided. Updates will be provided as deemed appropriate. Respectfully, Las Vegas Police Department Investigation Division
- PSA 1/28/2025 - Active Fire Operations on 1200 Block of South Gonzales Street
Tuesday January 28, 2025 1:45 p.m. City of Las Vegas Fire crews are actively working on fire operations at the 1200 block of South Gonzales Street. Authorities are advising the public to stay clear of the area to allow crews to work safely. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
- PSA 1/28/2025 - Active Water Line Leak Repair
Tuesday January 28, 2025 9:00 a.m. We wish to advise you that due to a repair of a water line, the following area may experience low water pressure or an interruption in service. Hot Springs Boulevard from blocks 2700 to 3000 Please follow all signage to ensure safety for both workers and the public while the water leak is being repaired. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact Travis Martinez, City of Las Vegas Utilities Director, at 505-454-3832 for additional concerns.
- PSA 1/28/25 Recreation Center will reopen on Tuesday
T he Ci t y of L as V eg a s A b e Mon t oya Recreation Cent e r w i ll reo p en on T uesday, J anuary 28 , 2025 a t 9 : 00 a . m . Thank you for your pa ti ence during this t i me.
- PSA 1/26/25 Removal of "Spent water" from the Water Treatment Facility Lagoons
Removal of "Spent water" from the Water Treatment Facility Lagoons. "Spent water" from a water treatment plant is typically referred to as "effluent" and is the treated wastewater that is released back into the environment after going through the purification process at a wastewater treatment plant. Attention City of Las Vegas Residents: We’re committed to ensuring reliable services for our community. To achieve this, we want to inform you about an important update. What You Need to Know: Who is Affected: Water Treatment Facility & Wastewater Treatment Facility When: January 26, 2025 and will be Completed January 26, 2025. What is Happening: The Removal of the spent water from the Lagoons is a response to the unusal drop in weather temperatures, and the spent water is being transferred to wastewater treatment plant to help alleviate room for bachwashes and trac-vacs with out the lagoons over following. It is all being reported and conducted to protocol. How to Prepare or Respond: Traffic Control: Water Haulers are being utilized on Montezuma Route. Safety First: Avoid contact with construction work areas for your safety. We’re Here to Help: Customer Service: (505) 454-3832 Website: Thank you for your cooperation as we work to serve you better and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please obey and follow all signage around construction zones. Be mindful of all City employees. Should you require any further information please contact the City of Las Vegas Utilities Division at (505) 454-3832 and ask for Travis Martinez.
- PSA 1/22/25 Water leak repair at 2311 New Mexico Ave.
U TILITIES DEPARTMENT: WATER DISTRIB U TION DIVISIO N Title: Water l eak r e pair at 23 1 1 New Mex i co Ave. A ttention City of Las Vega s Residents : We ' re co mmitted t o en s u r in g r e l iab l e serv ic es for our co mm unit y . To achie ve thi s , we wa nt to in for m y ou about an imp o rtan t upd ate . What You Need to Know: • Who is Affected: 2400 & 2500 Block of New M exico 600 to 800 block of M ora St. 2200 t o 2300 block of Lopez St. 700 block of Taos St. 600 block of San Mi g u el St. • When: Wedne s d ay, Januar y 22 , 2025 11 :30 a.m. • What i s Happening : Water L ea k Repair and pos s i b l e l ow or n o water press ur e . • Sa fety First: A vo id con ta c t wit h utili ty wo rk areas fo r your safety. We're Here to Help : • U tilities: (505) 454 - 3832 • Website: l asvegas nm .gov Thank you for yo ur cooperat ion as we wo rk to se rve yo u b e tter and apologize for any in co nv e nienc e this may cau se . Plea se obey a nd fo llo w a ll s i g n age arou nd construction zo n es. Be mindfu l of a ll C i ty em pl oyees. Shou ld yo u req ui re any furt h e r informat i on p l ease contact the City of L as Vegas U tilitie s Di v i s i on at (505) 454-3832 a n d ask for Travis Martinez.
- PSA 1/21/25 Recreation Center will remain closed until further notice
Due to unexpected freezing temperatures, repairs to the fire suppression and domestic water systems are currently underway. As a result, the Recreation Center will remain closed until further notice . We appreciate your patience and will provide updates as they become available . If you have any questions, please call the Abe Montoya Recreation Center at 505 - 426 - 1739 .
- PSA 1/21/25 Solid Waste Transfer Station will be temporarily suspended
Du e to inclement weather , Solid Waste Transfer Station will be temporarily suspended due to incle ment weather . W h at You Need to Know: • No Collect i ons at Transfer Station Today: All scheduled collections a r e c anceled . • Commercial and Residential Pickups: Services will continue as weather permits . • Keep Waste Secure: Please ensure trash is secure to prevent debris from blowing away in severe weather. We ap preciate your understanding and cooperat i on during this time . For real-time up d ates , please visit lasvegasnm . gov or contact the Solid Waste Department for more info rm a ti o n ( 505 ) 429-8340 Sta y sa fe and thank you fo r your patience!
- PSA 1/17/24 Winter Storm Preparedness
The City of Las Vegas is closely monitoring the potential weather event expected over the next severa l days. The safety of our residents is our highest priority . We encourage all residents to take the necessary precautions to prepare for potentially hazardous conditions . The City of Las Vegas will open a shelter for residents in need at the Abe Montoya Recreation Center, located at 17Sl North Grand Avenue. Th e shelter will be available when certain trigger points are present . The city will publish a public service announcement should we meet those points. If you are facing co ld weather hardship, the she lter will remain open as long as these conditions persist . For emergency utility services , please contact the Las Vegas Police Department at (SOS) 42S-7S04. In case of an emergency, dial 911 . For sheltering information please contact the Abe Montoya Recreation Center at (SOS) 426-1739 while the shelter is open . What to Expect: • Strong winds • Frigid temperatures • Possible power outages • Dangerous travel conditions Preparedness Checklist Home: • Stay Informed: Monitor wea th er reports closely through NOAA Weather Radio, local news , or the National Weather Service website ( ). • Winterize Your Home: Insulate windows and doors, cover exposed pipes, and ensure your heating system is working properly. • Gather Supplies: Stock up on essential items, including : o Non-perishable food and bottled water o Medications and first-aid supplies o Flashlight s and extra batteries o Blankets and warm clothing o A battery-powered or hand-crank weather radio • Prepare for Power Outages : Have alternative heating sources like a fireplace or wood-burning stove (if safe to use) and ensure proper ventilation. Prepare generators and fuel sources ahead of time . Close rooms that are not in use to contain heat . 505-454-1401 • Prevent Frozen Pipes: Let faucets drip s lightl y to prevent pipes from freezing. Do not attempt to thaw frozen pipe s with heat sources. Travel: • Avoid Travel if Possible: Stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary . If you must travel , inform so meone of your route and expected arrival time. • Winterize Your Vehicle: Check your vehicle's battery , antifreeze, tires, and wipers. Keep your gas tank full. • Pack an Emergency K i t: Include a blanket, e xtra clothing , food , water , a flashlight , a first-aid kit , and jumper cables in your vehic le . Outdoor Safety: • Limit Exposure: Minimize time spent outdoors in extreme cold . Dress in layers and cover exposed skin. • Watch for Signs of Frostbite and Hypothermia: Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect frostbite or hypothermia. • Avoid Overexertion: Cold weather puts extra s train on the heart. Take frequent break s when shoveling snow or engaging in other strenuous activities . Additional Tips: • Check on Neighbors: Especially elderly , youth or vulnerable individuals who may need assista nce . • Bring Pets Indoors: Do not leave pets outside during extreme cold. • Conserve Energy: Lower your thermostat and limit the use of electrical appliances to help reduce the strain on the power grid . Stay Updated: • Visit the City of Las Vegas website http s://www . for updates and important information . • Follow the City of Las Vegas on social media for real-time alerts . Remember: Your safety is our priority . By taking these precautions, you can help ensure your well-being during this weather event.
- Commercial Casting Call January 17, 2025
See Attached flyer for additional information